Welcome to the iLeicestershire Link database, well... actually the link section of our site which looks like a web portal database (much to my fury, tripod doesn't support an Access database - or ASP for that matter).

I have split it up into categories to make it easier to navigate. I hope to have a large selection of sites here eventually, so this will help in the long run. If you would like your site listed here, give me an email.

If your site is linked here, I would be grateful if you could display a banner (it isn't essential - but appreciated). The graphic for you to use is below. Please download it and do not leech from this server (because, first of all - it won't work!).

Businesses  Charities
[Animals] [Elderly] [Children] [Mental Disabled] [Physically Disabled] [Other]
Community Sites Educational Sites
[County] [Cities & Town] [Villages] [Expatriates] [Other] [History] [Science] [ICT] [Schools] [Universities]
Expatriates Others
[Community Sites] [Personal Sites] [General Information]

Semper Eadem | iLeicestershire | Leicesterwalk