Links Terms of Service



Welcome to the new iLeicestershire Links Page. Please support your local community websites, businesses and charities. If you own, or know of, a page which you think we should link to, please click on "suggest a link"


Content of external sites

Sites requesting links
Sites we have linked to
Suggesting links
Sites linking to us
Content of External Sites

We accept no responsibility for the content of any site we have linked to with the exception of ileicestershire member sites:

  • Semper Eadem

  • iLeicestershire Walking

Whilst we make every effort to check the content of sites before linking to them, they may change their content after we have checked. We continue to review sites from time to time, but it is not practical to look at every site on a regular basis.

As sites are sometimes closed or removed, and addresses change, some of the links on the site may not work. If this happens, it makes our lives easier if we are informed. We do not accept responsibility for dead links.

We recommend that you exercise caution when viewing any site on the internet.

Sites Requesting Links

If a site requests us to link to them, we will be happy to so on certain conditions:

  • The site's content is relevant to Leicestershire or Rutland, or the site is beneficial to citizens of the counties.

  • The site's owner is willing to display a link to our site. This need not be the banner image, just a link saying "ileicestershire" would do. We would prefer to have a description and an image if possible.

  • The site does not contain pornography or similar inappropriate content, and would be suitable for viewing by children, who may access it from iLeicestershire.

We will check all sites before we link to them. We also try to periodically check over sites to ensure that the content is still appropriate, and may remove links. If we do so, we will inform the owner of the site where possible. If you remove your site from the internet, we would appreciate it if you could inform us.

Sites We Have Linked To

Many of the links are ones which we have found on the internet. We have checked all the sites to ensure that they are appropriate. However, as content may change, we reserve the right to remove any site. If a site moves, the link may well stop working. We will update or remove the link as soon as we are aware of the problem. If a site is aware that we have linked to them, we would appreciate it if they could link to us in return.

If the owners of a site do not wish us to display a link to their site, they can let us know. If this situation arises, we will remove the link as soon as we are made aware of the problem.

Suggesting Links

If a link is suggested by someone other than people associated with the site in question, the same system as sites we have linked to applies. We will check all sites before linking to them, and reserve the right to remove any link.

Sites Linking To Us

If a site links to us, we will in return be happy to link to them (if we are informed of the link). We will only link to the site in question if it is appropriate.

Last Updated 29 August 2002 by D. Spencer



In order for iLeicestershire to be a success, and for people to find these links, we in turn need people to link to us. If you would be willing to link to us, click here for banner images, a description, and more information.


Semper Eadem | iLeicestershire | Leicesterwalk